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Palm trees experience unique mineral deficiencies. Getting to the root of the problem requires an evaluation from an experienced specialist. On top of that, palm weevils and spiraling whiteflies are catastrophic to some species of palm trees. Good nutrition is necessary to defend against predatory insects.
At Lawngevity Inc, we're known as the local palm tree experts and have saved and nursed back to health hundreds of palms. We've prevented infestations in thousands of them.
Let's take a closer look at palm tree nutrition or lack of it. The truth is that it can be tricky to diagnose the problem. You need experts with a proven track record. Our experts have succeeded where others have failed. In general, palm trees need a careful mixture of iron, nitrogen, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and other substances. Specific deficiencies require a calculated approach.
Lawngevity Inc has nearly 3 decades of experience caring for our pretty Sarasota-area palms. To learn more or for a FREE estimate on our palm tree care services, call (941) 219-4063.
We have over 100 years of combined experience to put to work for you. Call (941) 219-4063 today.
While it’s true for general fertilization, most varieties of palms will do fine with a wide application mixture. That is not true for all palms, and it's never true when symptoms arise or the tree is infested with invaders. Too much of one mineral can inhibit the absorption of another, in similarity to humans.
Specific species of plant have unique fertilizer requirements. and treatment requires customization based on species and symptoms. Two more common problems are lack of potassium and/or magnesium. Potassium deficiency is the most common. Consideration of the soil must be given when forming and implementing palm tree health care.
Foxtail palm potassium deficiency.
Another problem is “shock” which occurs when overzealous property owners try to take matters into their own hands and over-fertilize the tree or use an improper mixture for that species of palm. We’ve even seen so-called “lawn-care” companies cause more harm than good. In the best interest of local palm trees, stick to mowing the lawns only.
Noting the season and weather can give tips on the possible cause of tree impairment. In seasons or periods with too much heavy rain, boron leaching occurs, leading to a lack of boron. Extremely dry soil can also cause boron deficiency.
Sylvester palm lacking potassium.
Finally, the stage of life must also be considered. For example, palms recently transplanted from containers into the ground are most likely to experience a lack of nitrogen. Otherwise, a nitrogen deficiency is uncommon in Florida soils.
If the palm tree has pests that are chewing away at the tree and wreaking havoc on the immune system of the plant, special problems arise. This requires additional steps to be taken.
Not only do the pests eat away the nutrition, but the repair and immune functions of the tree need specific nutrition. The most common destroyer of greater Sarasota palms is palm weevils. For several years, the spiraling whitefly was also a major concern but is less predominant today.
Note: For palm tree infestations, you need our tree Injections. Fertilizer applications do not eliminate pests. If you have a Canary Island date or a Bismarck palm, these two palm trees are most susceptible to palm weevil and should be injected to protect from palm weevil.
Palm Weevil Damage.
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Serving Sarasota and Manatee counties, FL, Lawngevity Inc specializes in lawn and tree fertilization and weed control. We guarantee our service. Money-saving offers. Free consultations and estimates. Call today.
Sarasota County, FL
Manatee County, FL
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